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Sun and Moon are very underrated.

Pokemon Sun and Moon are known for being, well, annoying to play through, due to all of those cutscenes, wich is true, I was spamming A a lot (more than ever) in those games.

But I also think that set of games are very underapreciated by the community.

The region, Alola is so good. Being an archipielago makes it unique, and it has a lot of places to offer. The cities are not bad too.

The story and characters are what makes these games so good imo. The main plot is brilliant and has a lot of well designed characters.

What do you guys think?

Btw UltraSun and Moon are still bad games before you say anything.



  • DylanVsTheWorld
    DylanVsTheWorld Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭
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    They will always be some of the absolute best Pokémon games. I thought pretty much everyone loves them aside from the cut scenes.

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are definitely worse than Sun and Moon. The main reason why Sun and Moon have a great story is because they focus on Lillie and her growth as a person, reaching a climax with the battle against Lusamine, her mom, and ending with her setting off on her own journey. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon take this from her and try to give the spotlight to Necrozma instead. This ruins Lillie’s character arc, and for what? The focus on Necrozma makes the story more generic, and that, combined with Lillie’s botched arc, makes the story of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon far worse than the original Sun and Moon.

    The only saving grace for the story of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is that Hau has a fairly better arc.

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    USUM are better from a gameplay perspective, at least in my opinion. But yeah, the story was far worse

  • blastoiseking
    blastoiseking Member Posts: 2
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    After playing Ultra, I can't think of a reason to go back to base Sun and Moon.

    -Added minigames to play adds more play time and fun

    -Lillie doesn't disappear off to Kanto for the sake of mentioning Bill. I really wanted her to stay and be a trainer.

    -Battles are improved: HP bars don't take the same amount of time to go to zero, battle UI is cleaner. Music is remade (and in my opinon, better)

    -Ultra Beasts are recatchable, you can buy beast balls instead of having to run out before you get more

    -Necrozma has an actual story to him instead of appearing in ten carat hill for some random reason

    ....The only upsides to base Sun and Moon is Battle Bond Greninja and Lusamine's story arc but people usually complain about the story's handhold-y nature and general early game being a slog to replay anyway. Unless you're replaying more than a few times (which I doubt most people will), the ultra games are just straight up better.

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    I generally dislike Alola for other reasons but yes, its games do feature the best story and characters in the series up to that point. Granted, I also don't think we really had a proper story or characters until Paldea, but Alola was a good step in the right direction in terms of writing.

  • Pikachu911866
    Pikachu911866 Member Posts: 4
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    I agree, I loved playing Gen 7, I liked the cutscenes and I equally liked both sets of games. Though, I liked the Sun games more than the Moon games

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,693 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Well, they are better than Sword and Shield. They cleared that low bar.

    But as you mentioned, the constant cutscenes and tutorials make the games a slog to playthrough. Repeat playthroughs are unbearable, and it is unfortunate that they released a worse version of the same story a year later.

    The online features were a step down from the admittedly fantastic PSS in XY. It was also the first instance of a game removing the national Pokédex, before they went the whole hog in gen 8 and prevented you from transferring non-regional dex Pokémon entirely.

    The same lifeless, static 3D models for Pokémon return from XY, a step down from the wonderful gen 5 spritework in my opinion and the game in general continues the decline in the series started in gen 6.

    It is fine if you like Sun and Moon. It is great that you enjoy it and get something from it. For my part, as someone who regularly replays games from the series, I doubt I will ever be able to stomach another playthrough in my life. Perhaps the nostalgia cycle will redeem the games in the future, but for now I do not think that is an uncommon sentiment.

  • pizzaplayer219
    pizzaplayer219 Member Posts: 2
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    Tbh, I can't play SM without being bored out of my mind. The game is just too slow with there being 10 minutes of dialogue sometimes (this is most prevalent at the beginning). At least SV has less dialogue, even with the slow downs.

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    I was speaking mostly from a story perspective, but yeah, these are all improvements.

    However, I do have a counter to your last point about Necrozma: a list of legendary Pokémon that have no story:

    1. The legendary birds of Kanto
    2. The regi trio of Hoenn
    3. Heatran, Cresselia, Regigigas, and DP Giratina
    4. BW Kyurem
    5. Zygarde in general
  • SvenBTB42
    SvenBTB42 Member Posts: 6
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    Just give it another 5-10 years, then everyone will be saying "Umm actually Sun Moon is the best and very underrated!"

    But yeah they don't get enough love. The stories and characters are fun, the region is very fun, the gameplay is fun, I like pretty everything about it.