Which is the best Mega Evolution design?

Most megas are just BAD designs, like straight up the pokemon but more of it, look at Aerodactyl.
In my opinion, Gigantamax mons are better designed than some megas since some pokemon like Orbeetle were designed with the giga form in mind.
So, what do you think is the best mega design?
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First, I disagree with your premise that mega evolutions are bad designs and gigantamax offer better designs. On the contrary, the majority of megas are the coolest designed powered up versions of pokemon we have ever seen, and most gigantamax pokemon are downright goofy.
Some exceptional mega evos are: Sceptile, Aggron, Charizard X, Mawile, and Lucario. Though, like I said, most are great.
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Mega Banette, Mega Sableye, and Mega Mewtwo Y are all pretty cool!
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One more thing. Regarding the designs looking like "the pokemon, but more of it"
I think this is intentional. Keep in mind that mega evolution is not supposed to result in an entirely different species but rather a temporary, powered up state that places strain on the pokemon. To convey this, the design needs to be familiar, yet markedly more menacing. More fierce. I think these designs do a pretty good job at just that.
Mega evolution is a vehicule for delivering us cool looking pokemon. Creature designs come in all sorts of varieties, not all of them can have the design language of Garchomp or Haxorus. Mega evolution largely focuses on giving us that kind of designs.