iOS Game State Freezing

I play 2-5 matches per day on the iOS app. At least one, sometimes more of those matches results in a FF loss for me as the game state freezes and I time out. It is 100% not my connection. During this time, I can still click the discard pile and prize stack, and individual cards to view them enlarged, but I can’t play any cards, use any attacks or abilities, and the game timer will keep ticking (except for today, when the scoreboard vanished altogether, see attached screenshot).
Much of the time, if I send the app to the background and wait 5-10 seconds before going back in, the game state will catch up, and I might be lucky enough to have just lost a turn (still hard to recover from that in a ranked game, but at least there’s a chance). Other times, there’s nothing I can do but force close the app and launch and watch my rank dwindle.
Its very disappointing, as a veteran Pokemon player (have been playing the video games since Red/Blue release) trying to get into something that I’ve always had interest in (the TCG) but hasn’t been super accessible. I have been enjoying the game a ton when it works, but having to lose nearly half of my matches just because the app stops working is very disheartening.