Losing ranking points if game crashes before match starts

I think it is fair to say that the game does not run perfectly. For a (somewhat) new game this is understandable, I guess, as long as it consistently improves over time. But one thing, that is not acceptable, is, that the users have to endure additive negative in-game consquences that result from the bugs, especially if they could be easily avoided.
The issue is the following: If you start a game, it happens to me fairly often, that some bugs prevent the game from starting, so that it is, for example, stuck on the screen where both players are displayed, or even at the matchmaking screen after the cancel option has disappeared. Sometimes is also freezes while the board has loaded, but before the first turn has begun and before the own hand is visible. If the game freezes in one of these states, there is no chance that it starts working again, and I have to restart the application. The issue is, that I nevertheless lose ranking points when this happens. And since this happens quite regularly, it is almost impossible to make real progress in terms of ranking.
Making a player not lose ranking points if the game is aborted before it actually started would be such an easy fix that, while it does not solve the bugs, would at least heavily reduce the negative and frustrating consequences resulting from them.
If more time is available, making the game more robust to network instabilities would be another huge improvement. At the TCG online, you could literally close the program in the middle of the game, restart it, and find yourself in the same game without having even missed your turn. This is a level of robustness that should be desired for this app as well. At the moment, though, a disonnect of only a fraction of a second seems to make the whole game unable to recover from it (at least in a match).
how do we get these rank diamonds back
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similar thing is happening to me except the connection to the the game just drops mid match, and i've checked its not an issue with my internet.
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I know what you mean. This is happening way too much since the last update. Game freezing mid-play is getting exhausting. Just today I was a few wins away from Arceus League and lost almost all the way back to Masters because of game freezes. Twice, my active card got stuck floating mid strike and nothing I could do to fix it. The game thought I took too long to play and my opponent got to play again. This happened twice in a row. He was able to hit me while I was floating, but I was unable to select anything. Not even end play. I had no choice but to close it out.
It's starting to be where we are closing out more often than completing games. It's not like there is anything we are doing to cause it or anything we can do to avoid it, yet we are all penalized for it.
This game is getting less and less usable with every update.
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@HenrieHill , we don't. We just have to accept it as it is or quit playing I guess. That's basically our options. Since it has only gotten worse over the months and they can't bring themselves to fix it, I do not see them caring enough to give us our rank points back.
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Hello Trainers,
I understand your frustration with the game crashing. I recommend reporting this directly through our official channels by opening a ticket with the support team. You can do so by visiting https://support.pokemon.com/ then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there, click "Contact Us."If you have any more questions or encounter other issues, please feel free to reach out!