I would like these Pokémon to learn these moves. Which moves would you like to see a Pokémon learn?

Chinchou: Heal Bell, Muddy Water, Parabolic Charge, Calm Mind
Shellos: Life Dew
Lapras: Heal Bell
Petilil: Heal Bell
Charizard: Tailwind
Gardevoir: Heal Bell
Clefairy: Heal Bell
Chansey: Wish
Exeggcute: Growth, Stored Power
Seedot: Power Trip
Swellow: Fling, Acrobatics
Aron: Rock Polish
Charizard has Tailwind back in S/V, cause its a TM there
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Doesn’t Aggron already have Automatize?
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Charizard has Tailwind back in S/V cause that’s a TM
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I would like to see Tentacruel with Recover! It was so mean that they gave Toxapex Recover AND Regenerator when Tentacruel has neither of them! It makes me sad :c
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Gallade: play rough
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Every flying type should learn fly. (for obvious reasons)
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I'd like to see Sneasel learn Razor Wind, since both the pokemon and the move are based on the kamaitachi. Unfortunately that probably won't happen ever since Razor Wind was removed from the games in Sword and Shield :(
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I was surprised when I learned firsthand that Zamazenta can’t learn Follow Me. It would have formed a simple “keep allies safe” strategy that I wanted to try in an online Max Raid Battle.
But I have a feeling you know better, @SynergyTrainer. Follow Me & Zamazenta could be overbearingly tough to handle in competitive play, couldn’t it?