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Why shiny hunting on Switch games is awesome:

RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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This is just my opinion, but traditionally shiny hunting has required far too great a time sink for most people to take on. The odds were so low, many people played all the earlier games without ever running into a shiny. If you wanted a shiny legendary, you could try for hours a day, weeks on end, and give up empty handed. And even if you did find that shiny, it most likely lacked the stats and nature to be useful in battle.

In Scarlet/Violet, this is changed for the better. That shiny, Quiet natured, Torrent Greninja sitting in your boxes can now be a perfect pokemon. Finding a shiny is thus more rewarding than ever as any shiny can become a perfect pokemon.

Further, it's no longer possible to spend days or weeks on a single shiny. Most shiny hunts yield results within 30 minutes. This change makes shiny hunting so much more accessible that people like me who previously had no interest in it now feel like a whole new aspect of Pokemon has opened up. And avid shiny hunters can now go for a shiny living dex. The floor is lowered, but the ceiling remains just as high.