Which Pokemon would be best for food service?

Let's say Pokemon can have jobs, which one would be best for food service, whether it be cooking, waiting tables, cleaning tables and seating guests. I think Chansey could be good for waitstaff, and a couple firetypes could help cook food.
slurpuff according the pokedex is used by pastry chiefs to help make deserts
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Alolan Raichu is best for serving people because that is what the pokedex states.
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For waiters, Indeedee. For food, Miltank. 🤤
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Yeah Indeedee would be good since it is polite (I don't know that for sure will somebody fact-check me there) and as a chef, probably like coalossal or something that can cook stuff.
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Indeedee will be a good choice.
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slowpoke can also regrow its tail.
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Magmar is canonically good at cooking (I think Kiawe's mom in Paniola has a line of dialogue talking about how useful their wide range of Fire attacks is for cooking)
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Torkoal's body can be good for cooking.