What is the first thing you would do if you woke up as a Pokémon?

I would personally try to use my abilities for helping others rather than seeking battles
figure out how to break the news to the wife
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I dunno, start a rescue team?
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I'd go find some Dittos... jk😅
I'd probably go organise my own rescue team cos that's what naturally any person would do regardless of their personality. I tricked the test multiple times getting all sorts of different natures, and always the first thing I did afterwards was making a rescue team with a random stranger I just met and than go rescue some pokemon kid.
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Gotta love the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon references ; )
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Use my powers to do stuff, or get sick of it and try and turn back
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Well, if I was a Charmander, I'd jump in a pond. If not, then start battling random dudes, get tired, lie down, eat Applin.
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I look at the reflection and panic saying this is a bad dream.
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Probably go zap someone or burn something and shoot some jets of water at people, you know, typical pokemon stuff.