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Weekly server maintenance is required to maintain usable matchmaking

TechHog Member Posts: 2,769 ✭✭✭✭✭
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Every time you do maintenance, matchmaking is great for a day or two, then slows down until it's completely broken after about 5 days. This is most likely the result of a memory leak. I'm worried that you need a highly experienced engineer to fix this, so this will either set back the release even more or result in an unplayable game a day or two after launch. Until a solution is found, please consider doing weekly maintenance. Really, it needs to be every 3 days, but that's likely asking too much. Just take the servers offline to reboot them and clear the memory.

Also, perform tests on the client. It's possible that the memory leak affects that as well.

Please relay this to the devs ASAP. It's really important.