Version 1.1.1 - Patch Notes

Administrator Posts: 298 admin
Hello everyone.
The Pokémon TCG Live game client will be updated tomorrow. Please see below for the list of changes:
Found Issue: We've discovered an issue in the build going live today. When a player selects "Inspect Board" during a text-based selection or decision prompts and then tries to return and make a selection, the game soft locks. Please be aware that this issue currently only affects players on the game's mobile version.
- Added support for the Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO expansion releasing on 06/30/2022.
- The following cards have been updated so they correctly prevent damage from attacks but do not prevent any additional effects of those attacks:
Metapod (SUM #2)
Alolan Sandshrew (GRI #19)
Mewtwo-GX (SMP #196)
- Pyukumuku (FST #077) is no longer temporarily banned from play. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
- After the opponent takes a mulligan, the player is prompted to choose how many cards to draw. If the timer runs out, that number will now be selected at random.
- Damage counters placed by Abilities and attacks are now counted in the "Damage Done" match results.
- Pyukumuku (FST #077): The Pitch a Pyukumuku Ability now correctly shows the card returning to the deck on the opponent's side.
- When using certain effects that allow infinite movement of damage counters between Pokémon in play, that movement no longer causes a superfluous damage counter to appear.
- Certain attacks have been updated to correctly count the amount of Energy provided, rather than the number of Energy cards attached when calculating damage.
- Decks containing certain basic Energy cards from the XY, XY—Evolutions, or Generations expansions can now be correctly imported.
- Drapion (UNM #134): The Cross Poison attack now displays the correct Energy requirements in Big Card View.
- Prompt text for certain card effects that search for a Pokémon's Evolution chain has been updated to name the specific cards that need to be chosen.
- Energy Recycle System (CES #128): Text prompt for the card effect choices now displays correctly.
- Amoonguss (UNM #14): If the Bursting Spores Ability activates multiple times, the player will correctly be prompted for subsequent instances, even if they decline the first prompt.
Deck Manager
- In Standard play, Expanded decks are no longer erroneously marked as invalid for containing less than 60 cards.
- Older prints of Standard-legal cards are now included in search results with the Standard filter.
- The Item-Tool and Tool-Item sorting type have been updated to group cards correctly.
- The last selected deck now stays selected after returning to the Deck Manager.
- In the desktop client, direct interactions now correctly function with scroll bars while editing a deck in the Deck Manager.
- Icons for Expanded deck creation now display correctly when creating a deck.
- In the desktop client, the Inspect Board button is now disabled during the animation sequence for taking Prize cards.
- Emote animations now have a cooldown and can no longer be activated multiple times in succession.
- The Burned status visual effect has been updated so the border no longer overlaps with other status icons on the card.
- Icons denoting attached Energy no longer clip into drawn cards.
- The "Done" button is now enabled during certain optional effects and, if pressed, will end the action if the player does not use the effect.
- The Terms of Service and Privacy Notice pages on the first-time launch review page now display correctly.
- The design has been updated for the language select button during startup.
- In the mobile client, banner visuals when transitioning between Standard and Expanded Casual matchmaking have been updated.
- In the mobile client, the avatar customization menu view now correctly scales for certain resolutions.
- The Professor Juniper Premium Tournament Collection deck accessories now display the proper item name.
- A scroll bar has been added to the Collected summary window.
- The green glow visual effect during item collection now consistently displays.
- In the desktop client, the Prize card selection window in the tutorial has been updated for better Prize card visibility.