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What's being done about the banned cards causing issues?

Cards like Ting-Lu ex and Mimikyu have neen banned for almost a month because of a glitch caused by their abilities on Pokémon TCG Live. I've been logging in almost daily this whole time and been checking for updates regularly but have seen nothing as of late. I use TCG Live to test decks and see how I need to modify them so they work well in tournament situations when I'm unable to gain access to the physical cards and I plan to use Ting-Lu ex in my deck. I just want to know if something is going to be done about the known issue before the next release is available on the platform


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,597 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    That and would also be fair to give some sort of compensation for taking so long to fix this kind of things that in TCG Online and similar games were/are fixed much faster.