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*PC BUG* Cards not showing up during card selection.

I'm unable to choose any cards, although it shows me that I do in fact have selections to make. When i try to press DONE it even tells me that I still have selections to make. I've gotten this bug nearly every time I try to play the game, forcing me to quit and rejoin, although it doesnt always fix it. It makes the game unplayable, and very unfair to me because I cannot use the cards abilities properly.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Yes, that's a known bug for a long time.

    Usually if you can identify the cards that are causing the bug by trial and error you can try to change those cards rarity/set, it's a tedious workaround but sometimes works, at list in the main decks that I play I was able ti fix it that way.

    Since we don't know when the dev team is going to fix it, this workaround might be worth the shot.