Very strange bug

Just earlier I was editing a deck of mine and decided to use the test feature to battle the ai. When I went back to the deck editor to make some changes it showed a different deck than I was testing. I clicked back to get to my other deck and all of a sudden I was in a battle with the deck I was not editing. It was very surprising to be put into a battle like that which I know I could have conceded but luckily I did end up winning. I've also seen a separate bug on multiple occasions where it switches the name and deck sleeves of recent decks while editing. I don't know if they are related but PTCGL needs to fix a lot of things within the deck editor since it is a major feature of the game. Not only the bugs but other features like making it easier to find cards and alt arts with less clicks. I know there are some major bugs in the game right now, but I hope PTCGL does not forget about everything else that makes people want to keep playing this game.