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Adding friends requires restarting before seeing them in game.

If you add a friend (or accept a friend request that was sent to you), despite them being online you're forced to restart the application before you're able to see them online.

This becomes particularly tedious when playing in online tournaments having to restart after every single game.


  • Snorlax622736
    Snorlax622736 Member Posts: 52
    Photogenic 5 Agrees 5 Likes First Anniversary

    I fully agree that this is a rather inconvenient bug.

    Does anyone know of a work around to make this work?

  • Snorlax622736
    Snorlax622736 Member Posts: 52
    Photogenic 5 Agrees 5 Likes First Anniversary

    Is there any update on this?

    Is this only a mobile or tablet issue?