Pokemon Go set trainer cards game bugs searching in your deck (PC version)

I was testing which cards bugging mostly and found that when you use Pokemon Go set trainer cards (happened with some Crown Zenith trainer cards as well) game bugs searching in your deck. Happened at least on 2 different account/PC. These cards in deck make unable to choose valid cards searched from your deck with balls, abilities etc. This bug is here since i came during CRZ and tho it will be fixed already. (in files i adding how it looks in PC game when you use Rare Candy from PGO - not working and Rare Candy from different expansion - working)
Cards which were tested for this bug:
PokeStop - PGO 68
Rare Candy - PGO 69
other Pokemon Go cards i never used so idk if they make that bug as well
+ from Crown Zenith
Sky Seal Stone - CRZ 143
Professor's Research - CRZ 150
Irida - CRZ GG63