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Displaying "go first" choices before coin flipped

Occasionally, when a start a game, it instantly shows "Do you want to go first" before the coin is even flipped, and it was many times already. It only appears when opponent is flipping the coin though. The first time I was like: Oh wow, I'm definitely winning the coin flip! Second time I was: Wait what? Again? Third time I said: Hmmm... This is a constant issue now... I haven't played for a while, and earlier when I did, it happened again. This time I knew I had to report it. So here I am. Am I the only one encountering this problem? Sometimes it just destroys the meaning of coin flips. I hope on a future update, it will say: Fixed issue where "go first" selection screen occasionally appeared early. This is getting annoying.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Yeah, other people have this issue. More than likely it's caused by lag.