What is the Purpose of This Forum?

The description for this forum, which is an official Pokemon forum, is "Report technical issues and other problems with TCG Live." This implies that Pokemon monitors this forum and addresses issues that are reported here.
However, it seems that this is largely a a space for users to communicate with one another about problems and that we need to submit a support ticket if it is going to be addressed by Pokemon.
I am not trying to say what this forum should or shouldn't be, but I do think that clarity & transparency would be helpful. (A post pinned to the top of this forum which presents this information could be a way to address this issue.)
My apologies if missed a post concerning this.
I think it's very much clear and transparent how this works here.
In my opinion/experience in this kind of forum area the normal scenario would be users to help each other and share their concerns sure, but when there is a general issue reported (something that happens to everyone and don't require personalized assistance) the support staff should be able to intervene creating tickets themselves, and only ask users to submit a support ticket when it's a user specific isssue. They should also intervene to clarify certain doubts.
But all this would require the moderaters to be able to provide first line support, the "problem" here seems to be that this moderators don't have that assignment so they are not able to perform the first line support. They seem to lack either knowledge or access to be more helpful.
In the end the moderaters here are not "support staff" they only do the forum moderation job, for the first line support we must create a support ticket.
The adminitrators tho here seem to be actual "support staff" and have wider access and knowledge but they limit themselves to make anouncements and give very limited feedback.
For this to be more useful either the moderators should have first line support ability or add another profile category with actual support abilities.
And yes a post pinned to the top of this forum which presents more information about it would be helpful in deed.
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How is a support ticket created? I did think this was an official way to report bugs because of the name, and because it's the first thing that came up when I searched, 'How to report bugs in Pokemon Live?'
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You can and should report bugs here! But problems related to your specific account will not be fixed through here... like missing a card after migrate and stuff like that.
In order to fix issues related to your account they will ask you to contact the support "directly" in the support page and create a ticket specifying the issue with as much detail as you can, before they accept your request they will also validate your info and your email.
The link below will open that page, but don't forget you have be logged in there:
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I couldn’t agree more. If this isn’t being monitored for improvements then what’s the point?
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I would love some clarification on this. Will bugs posted on this forum be solved or at least noted if they aren't submitted at support.pokemon.com? I certainly hope so.