Glitches and Features

All of these may be known to the developers already but here are some glitches that I have encountered over the past few months and made note of. Some of these have been in the game for over a year.
Also some missing features/feature requests. STILL crazy that I have to edit a deck to view my card collection, why do I STILL have to do this over a year later??
-Runs VERY slow on mobile. There is so much lag that my turn times out before I can finish playing 1 card.
- Metal Pokemon make a sound effect when they enter the field while the in game sound options are turned off.
-List of products when you click “view all bundles” in the shop is too small for desktop users. It doesn’t use the full screen like the rest of the game menus.
-On the “Decks” screen, clicking the ‘show valid only’ check box excludes decks that are valid. I had to close the game to fix this.
Missing features from PTCGO
-Being able to view your card collection outside of building a deck
-During a match there isn’t a menu to see actions that either player made.
-Search bar is limited to a few characters, PTCGO allowed you to type whole sentences.
-While my active Pokemon is asleep or confused the card doesn’t turn to the side/upside down like the physical card game. I’m not sure if Paralysis has the same issue.
-Not able to filter card search results by retreat cost.
-Character limit for deck names is too short.
-Events (tournaments)
-Deck box doesn’t appear on screen while in a match
-Good looking holo effects
-Chat room
-X & Y era cards
-Black & White era cards
-Theme deck format
Other feature requests:
-Players should automatically win the game when their last attack would cause them to draw the last of their remaining prizes. Opposing players usually concede before the other player can choose their final prize card(s).
-When you click on a card to see a larger version, this card should be even larger when clicked on
-In the actual TCG I can play multiple ball cards, energy search cards and use abilities that search my deck all at once. It would be great if Live could do this as well somehow. Playing several cards in a row/choosing multiple abilities in a row can be tedious.
-Add a Pokedex number sort method
-Ace Spec search filter
-Ability to organize coins/deck boxes/sleeves. Or a search function for these.
-Ability to turn off avatars, I just think they look awful
-Ability to turn off avatar win screen, I just think they look awful
-Add legacy cards to the game
-Gym Leader Challenge format
-Dream format
-Aceless format
-Pauper format
-List of products when you click “view all bundles” in the shop is too small for desktop users. It doesn’t use the full screen like the rest of the game menus
-remove black screen when game launches and just before starting a match
-trading cards between friends
Hello, Trainer Dracula008,
Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.
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Just FYI, the black loading screen is there because there was a memory leak before they added it. Also, the reason you can play search cards together IRL is to save time shuffling. That isn't a concern on a digital platform and adding that would just make things more confusing while saving almost no time.
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Some abilities that should work only in the first turn works for the hole game.
Ex: battle vip pass.
"Being able to view your card collection outside of building a deck" => how needs this ?
Events => not sure its a good Idea : it makes the game more complexe and splits players
Batterie consommation on phone : this is what we need !