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A single player mode will allow this game to surpass duel links

Pokemon is a bigger IP with a much wider fan base. There is so much potential with single player game modes. Duel links is a perfect example. At any point, I can hop on and use my decks against AI and get rewarded for it. As AI gets increasingly challenging, the better odds I have of receiving rare/unique rewards. Story based single player card game? Thronebreaker from gwent pulls this off perfectly.

The philosophy moving forward is that PvP should be an OPTION available to players that will reward them with better rewards, but the game can be fully enjoyed in single player.

Here are a few suggestions:

-Tournaments/battle trees against AI. Limitless attempts, but as you progress, the AI begins to use more powerful decks and becomes harder to beat. The farther you go, the more currency/rewards you get.

-Puzzle based game mode: Players are given a set of cards in a certain order and they're placed in challenging situations where they have to figure out the correct order of move(s) to beat the AI. This would function to improve the strategic and critical thinking required by many TCG games and can help to show the depth of any TCG game.

-Loaner deck game mode: Similar to the battle factory from mainline games, players (Real or AI) will be given 3 decks to choose from who will go against opponents who do the same thing. As they continue to win, they can augment/exchange these decks. This will function to introduce players into different types of decks and encourage them to buy packs.

-Roguelite gameplay: Players get to explore a map/paths towards rewards. They'll battle AI opponents with their decks. Certain areas will provide them with buffs/debuffs in the beginning of the game. The difficulty is organic and as players progress, the AI will demand stronger decks, better tactics, and a fair bit of luck.

-Weekly and monthly events: The majority of online games have something like this. Players can use their decks against AI that use theme based decks and provide theme based rewards unique to the event upon completion of certain milestones.

Why would this be game changing?

-It's casual player friendly. People are given options to choose how difficult they want the game to be, as opposed to having to face varying levels of difficulty against real people. It also lowers stakes for players and provide opportunities to try out different playstyles/decks without looking silly.

-It will increase the value of real life packs, and encourage spending on in game currency. When this game gets a big enough following, people will buy packs knowing they have the added value of making their accounts better (given they'd want to invest into their accounts now since there's more they can do with it)

-It will incentivize people to keep logging in and also increase the popularity of this game. Right now, people will log on if they feel the urge to play PvP or try out a new deck. With limited time events and rewards, people will have more reason to play, and can do so at their own pace and in their own way given the options of play they have available. The people who are playing will continue to play, while those who want to try this game are given an experience that adapts to them and how they like to play their games.

-The success of the online experience will further establish the pokemon IP. People from the mainline games, TV/movie fans, pokemon product collectors, and pokemon go fans may give this game a try if it gets popular enough, then work to introduce them to pokemon card collecting in real life. People who are only into pokemon collecting may be encouraged to explore other aspects of pokemon due to its increasing player base and popularity as a means to further involve themselves in the community and brand.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    That's quite an amazing utopian set of ideas for this kind of game...

    I wish they would have the ability and resources to do all that and more but I think you shouldn't set the bar that high, most likely you will end up disappointed.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    As far as playing goes, YGO has always been more popular.

    But it's irrelevant because they'd have to add microtransactions and that would just piss people off even more. Nothing short of a reboot is saving this.