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Add option to display deck box and coin

It would be nice to have the option to display our deck box and coin near the board while playing similar to how PTCGO did it. I know it wouldn't be possible for mobile, but it would be nice to see it implemented on PC and tablet.

Currently, there's no real incentive to customize your deck box because it's only seen briefly during the pre-match screen. Similarly, unless your deck requires a lot of coin-flipping, there's not much reason to customize your coin.

Obviously not a big issue, but would be a nice feature to have.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 500 Likes 500 Agrees 250 LOLs

    Sure why not? With all that empty space on the board they could even put there my entire makeup set and maybe even one little purse.