Why is there no trading in a Pokémon TRADING CARD GAME?

So I have to pay extra for better cards (that glitch) and don’t always show up the way the should… AND I can’t trade my others to get cards from other players anymore?
How is this a trading card game then?
BECAUSE i trade my cards to an automatic system that’s NON HUMAN? For credits that give me glitchy cards?
This system is still in beta testing and shouldn’t be being used yet.
I play in leagues and I cannot stand this new transition Pokémon has made. Not just on this platform, but also on Pokémon Go with remote raid passes.
I love Pokémon, but am really saddened by how much harder they are making it for people to play it.
Even if ppl cheat sometimes… you are ruining some really great gaming avenues right now. Glad I am someone who knows the difference.
Stop changing what wasn’t broken.
System as a whole didnt work, thats right, but they had alot of time to rebuild it to be better or even rebuild the whole game but they didnt, instead they shut the old server/game down and forces us to play this current mess called Live.
Game needs alot of work, ALOT.
They need to add offline content once again for new players, rework the rank system which is absolute horrible. Who on earth can reach the last ,,league" ?? i'd rather play unranked to level up profile + battle pass which is giving me less headaches.
Just my opinion, I hope they take the Community serious and listen to them.