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Gardevoir psychic energy trhough ability doesn't work on revived Lunatone

Hello, this is a reproductible bug on demand :

  • Rescue carrier a Lunatone
  • Play Lunatone
  • Lunatone is not considered as a psychic Pokemon, therefore I cannot attach any energy to it

If I end my turn, next turn it will be considered as a Psychic Pokemon so I will be able to attach energy. If I revive 2 Lunatone, the first one cannot have anergy attached to it, the second one yes. On turn 2, both will be able to get energy attached.

This is a bug that cost me more than a dozen of loss so I know how to reproduce it now that I am aware, but it affects a lot my playstyle.

Thank you


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,895 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    Okay, so this is a known issue and everything, but... Why are you running Gardevoir with Lunatone? Make a deck that focuses on one thing. Don't just throw in random stuff because it seems like it makes sense. This is just BrickAndAutoloseToLostBox.deck