Game freeze after using Lost Mind?

The match 'freezes' when I knockout an opponents' Pokémon by placing damage counters using Sableye's Lost Mind attack. This has happened several times, has it happened to anyone else?
This specific encounter has not happened to me, however, the game is in a very buggy state, and many players have reported the game freezing after many kinds of actions. You are likely just unlucky, encountering the same bug multiple times.
I recommend closing the application and doing a complete restart of your device. If you have an older device try not to have other programs running at the same time in case your issue is somehow hardware related (e.g. running out of memory). If the issue persists only when using Sableye's Lost Mind, try to pay close intention to other cards being played, and interactions occurring before and after the attack, so that if you notice any patterns you can submit a bug report with instructions on replication.