Pokemon freezes when trying to use ability

Was using Magnezone's Giga magnet ability, the Pokemon flew up to the spot but the function of the ability never triggered and the screen of no available choices didn't even show up.
I never got the timer for needing to take an action but it went to my opponent's turn. Magnezone remained up in the spot where he went for using his ability during my opponent's turn.
Came back to my turn, still Magnezone sat there off to the side like he was trying to use an ability.
I can click on him to enlarge the image, but I couldn't use his ability, I was able to interact with other cards besides him.
I only had 2 Pokemon so I played a switch card which moved him to the active and my active to the bench, this fixed the issue, but by this time there was no point continuing the match as it was bugged out too long for me to make up the lost time and actions.