Extremely frequent silent disconnects make the game litterally unplayable.

For the past few days I've found that I've been getting very frequent silent disconnects, especially after the recent update. It's gotten to the point where I can only complete maybe 1 in 8 games normally without having to concede because a silent disconnect occured. Additionally, in many but not all games I've had extremely laggy experiences in which it can take up to 30 seconds for a card being played or and ability/attack being used to register, rendering the game basically unplayable and eventually becoming actually unplayable as I get silently disconnected.
Has anyone else been having this issue? My internet setup is a little unorthodox (ethernet connected to a WiFi extender which connects via Wifi to my router) but I've found that during these silent disconnects nothing else on my computer seems effected (I can still listen to stuff on spotify, use google, ect.) Regardless would appreciate it if someone could help identify what the issue is since my ranked rating has plummeted because I have to forfiet the vast majority of games.