List of improvements we would like to see.

Member Posts: 4 ✭
This is just at the top of my head.
- When I click on a card I should be able to see all variations, all evolutions from the same card. Just like in ptcgo it's so much more convenient that way.
- After every game it locks you out performing any action for like 10-12 sec and you are FORCED to sit there watch the level up animations. Please for the love of God why? Can you not turn it off and or have it perform in the background while we are trying go next?
- After you knock out last prize the game doesn't automatically end like it did in ptcgo. You are forced to select prizes. Just an extra unnecessary step which takes 5 sec per every game.
- In the search options you should include retreat costs and attack costs like in ptcgo.
- Not a fan of drag and drop for energies and damage counters. Just click directly on pokemon and it adds counters like in ptcgo. It just makes the game faster and smother.
- Please include in game chat. There should be one lobby where you could talk with anyone
- Would be nice if landscape mode be available for mobile as it feels crammed to play portrait.
- When starting a match can you make the default position of your hand with pokemon on the left side? Because at the moment we have to scroll left every time to be able to see if we got any basics to open with.
- It's very, very grindy in ptcgl. At least in ptcgo I was able to trade my way for gold and rare cards but in ptcgl I am not rewarded for playing more. It's basically 2-3 games a day and you get squat after that. I appreciate the free decks and staple cards but I feel like my insentive dissapears to play more games and collect those full art/gold cards.
There is obviously more major issues like game crashes and bugs etc. But I thought I would bring attention for smaller improvements you could make.
A long time ptcg player