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Reveal searched cards to the opponent way to short

Scharrer Member Posts: 2

When a player is searching his deck with a card like Ultraball, the target card is shown way to shortly to the opponent. Its really like if you blink in the wrong moment you can miss it.

As this is vital information this must be fixed.

This could be solved multipel ways:

  1. Have a small gamelog somewhere (e.g. MTGO)
  2. Have public revaled cards stay face up (vissibel to the oppenent) in the hand (e.g. Magic Arena, Leage of Runterra)
  3. Extend the reval card timer, but hondestly this brings other broblems as it is one more clucky animation..


  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    5 LOLs 25 Likes First Anniversary 100 Comments

    they could also just. make it a pop-up like they do for mulligans. It's possible to time out on those, so it's not like you should reasonably be able to stall if a card is revealed from a search.

    I suppose it's also possible this is an intended feature to encourage players to be actively paying attention to the screen but some cards like Pokestop that also essentially reveal cards will tell you what was pulled up in a proper pop-up. So who knows.