Why 400 codes limit ?

Why you set this limit since we buy every pack using our own money and we deserve to have its digital equivalent...
Many people were saying that the 400 limit it's only temporary while game is in beta, I hope it's true, because it makes no sense, especially when there is no trade option and the packs no longer contain 10 cards. All they doing is making it harder to get cards.
In my case I already opened almost 300 pack (from code cards) of the latest set in less then a month...
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So you can't exploit oversights like Celebrations forever
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If that "exploit" was the problem they could allow us to keep opening the code packs, but after 400 we would't get any credits for extra copies, that way the codes would be less useless after 400.
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I understand but people have different goals, like some love the golden cards, others like to complete each set, etc.
For players that migrated and already got large amout of cards and don't care about the card art, etc may be easy, also they can use the celebrations in game packs.
But for new players it's not that easy, the codes are essential and also fun... that 400 limit just makes it harder for new players, or players that want to speed it up and don't want to wait months to be able to build a new deck, or players with other goals.
I really don't see the point of limit it to 400, if people want to use codes why not let them? PTCG Online had no limit and booster packs had 10 cards and that was never a problem.