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Play Pokemon V daily quest not working

When you have a daily quest to play # of pokemon V it does not register the Pokemon V you play

When you play a pokemon EX it registers the quest as you having played a pokemon V

This is happening with every variation of the quest I have gotten.

Please fix it so it properly registers playing a pokemon V, or fix the text so that it reads as playing an EX, whichever your intended direction for the quest was.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 787 ✭✭✭✭✭
    50 Answers 100 LOLs 500 Comments 250 Agrees

    They already announce it will be fixed in tomorow's update:

    'Date & Time: 4/11/2023 at 8:00AM PDT

    We will be running routine server maintenance for performance updates & optimization of our platform services. We will also be applying the following fixes:

    • Updated a quest from "Put Pokémon V into play" to "Put Pokémon ex into play."'