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Miraidon EX Attacking Two Turns in a Row

I just faced an opponent who used Miraidon Ex's photon blaster two turns in a row.

My opponent switched that miraidon to the bench his next turn and then switched it backed out to active and used photon blaster again. It was the same exact miraidon.

If I remember correctly, he attacked with photon blaster and then used escape rope the next turn to put that miraidon on the bench and put a regileki vmax in the active spot. He then used regileki vmax's free retreat to put miraidon back out and attack with photon blaster again


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    Switching a Pokemon to the bench removes effects of attacks on it, including its own attacks. That's intentional and not a bug. This is a common interaction.

  • kot123456
    kot123456 Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 25 Likes 25 Agrees 5 Answers

    Most effects that affect a specific Active Pokemon is removed when they move to the bench. This is same for effects like damage immunity as an attacks effect, but it also removes things like inability to attack

  • KaidenInPain
    KaidenInPain Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Oh wow, that's right. Alright, thanks everyone