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Bug with healing with cheryl

When using Cheryl on damage that has been moved from the active to slowbro from scarlet and violet, energy is still discarded from the active pokemon


  • SleepingLlama
    SleepingLlama Member Posts: 3
    First Answer Photogenic First Comment

    Cheryl will remove all damage on one pokemon for the cost of all its energy. It doesn't matter where the damage came from initially.

  • Ceokeke
    Ceokeke Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Sorry sleepingllama but that does not make sense. If the damage was completely removed from one of the evolutions it should not have its energy discarded by cheryl as it has no damage to be removed. This is a curious finding that it occurred.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Cheryl only discards energies from the evolution Pokémons that got healed from it, if that Pokémon has no damage it should not be healed nor it's attached energies should be discarded... so it's a bug.