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Is there a calendar or schedule to bug patches?

I was wondering if there's a calendar or schedule open to the public where we can see when patches are scheduled to fix bugs? Within the last few days, all except for one of my online matches I had to alt control delete to shut down the program because the game would brick. Where I can't click on anything at all and receives no responses. I couldn't even click on setting in order to concede the game and move on. If there's a schedule or calendar on when new bug patch fixes are available, it would be helpful to let players know when to return to the game, rather than becoming overly frustrated while trying to play a game that many of us love. Thank you for your time to read this and please let us know when the next update / bug patch fixes will be.



  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Puting it in a simple way, the people behind PTCG Live are in general very incompetent... from top decision making to devs. They are really not the best regarding keeping deadlines either... just to remember some few:

    -The game was suposed to stay as beta for only few months

    -The compensation for people not able to gain points in battle pass was suposed to happen shorly, toke several months instead

    -The compensation for not getting tier 0 cards of current battle pass was said to be taken care of shorly... till this day nothing

    -The rotation happened days before the planed date


    Having the schedule you sugest is useless because they will fail as they shown us several times. Plus they probably don't even have the resources to do something like that... look how many times you see a moderator here being helpful... close to zero.

    Oh and remmember they said they will shut down PTCG Online support to focus all the resources in this... tho bugs did not reduce, improvements ingame were insigificant close to none, presence of moderators in community forums like here is the same or worst...

    I love the card game and really want this game to be great, but you have to really lower your expectations and forget about they listen to your seggestions or you will just get frustated and disapointed.