Opponent concedes while drawing last prize cards

Imagine the following scenario. You have 3 prize cards remaining. During your turn you knock out your opponent's VMAX. The Pokémon death animation plays and you are presented with your remaining 3 prize cards to draw even though the game is over. While you are drawing the 3 prize cards your opponent leaves the game. Instead of getting full experience (~160) for 6 prize card knockout, you get partial experience (~140) for taking fewer prize cards.
The game is over and I should be getting full experience for taking all the prize cards. Can the game realize there is no need for the prize card selection if I am taking my remaining prize cards and automatically draw the remaining prize cards. In many other aspects the game will skip selection screens if there is not alternative. For example you are evolving a stage 2 with a rare candy. If you play rare candy and you only have a single stage 2, then it will automatically make the selection for you.