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FR: Remember "Show Valid Only" toggle setting

Feature Request

In the Decks section, there is a toggle to show only the decks that can be used in the current rotation, this is more so important with the newest rotation. However each time I open this page it shows me ALL the decks that I have every time, and doesn't remember the setting for "Show Valid Only". This means that every time I open the Decks menu I'm flooded with the full list of all decks. With all the decks I used in the last rotation which are no longer valid, burying the new decks I have yet to try out.

Current Behavior: Show Valid Only is unchecked by default

Desired behavior: Show Valid Only remembers previous setting

Repro steps:

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Confirm the banned cards.
  3. Select "DECKS"
  4. Select "Show Valid Only"
  5. Select "..."
  6. Select "Quit Game" confirm "Yes"
  7. Launch the game.
  8. Confirm the banned cards.
  9. Select "DECKS"
  10. Observe that "Show Valid Only" is now unselected