Unannounced Change to Champions Festival Migration

Hello, there are confirmed reports from multiple players now that foreign language Champions Festivals now transfer into Live as extra English copies. This apparently is a new change that came with the latest update of the game.
For everyone else who migrated before this change, will we be getting extra copies of the Festival restored to our accounts? Or does everyone who migrated early need to submit customer support tickets individually?
The way I see it, the devs need to either:
1: Give everyone who migrated before this change up to 4 copies of their currently owned Festivals (assuming they can verify players owned foreign language festivals)
2: Allow players to craft Festivals.
A secondary issue is that redeeming Welcome Kit codes on PTCGL automatically gives 4 copies of Festivals, whereas in PTCGO it only gave 1 copy (which is especially relevant now for 2022). Will players who redeemed 2022 Welcome Kits on PTCGO and/or transferred with only 1 copy of the 2022 Festival have their copies adjusted to 4 copies?
I hope to hear a response from the developers on this issue as soon as possible.