Is there a fix to the game freezing randomly ?

So I've been trying to play the game for 2 days now and I haven't been able to finish a single game, NOT A SINGLE ONE.
I don't know how or why but cards get stuck mid-air, sometimes quick ball or other searching cards tells me there's no valid target even though there is, and on my latest game I tried to put a capture energy on my blissey V and instead of searching for a basic pokémon it randomly drew 6 cards and then froze. I tried waiting for 30 minutes and nothing changed.
I managed to play with friends in friendly matches but that's it so I can't rank up, I can't level up my battle pass... I just wanted to play the game with friends to make them discover the pokémon tcg and it's really frustrating. Also here's a screenshot where I drew a card but it never showed up in my hand, and right after that I KO a pokémon so I took my price cards and they just kept floating on the screen, I couldn't do anything.
I've tried everything, repair the game files, uninstall and reinstall, reduce the graphic settings, windowed mode, full-screen, nothing changes. I don't understand how this can happen. Oh and by the way everytime I find an online match my opponents's skin doesn't appears so there juste a naked body and yes my pc does meet the minimum requirements so how am I supposed to play this game ???
The freeze cards in the air is probably the most critical existing bug and sadly its there for months... really frustating. Made me quit playing many times, now I only play to finish the daily rewards and the battle pass then log off.
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I think there is a bug with that Blissey V. Both my sisters have suffered It, and they use different phone models...
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I have the same issue with modified decks. Standard decks work fine. But if i build one and use it, the game will freeze up every time. (Only on pc)
This is really annoying, and from what i can read it has been like that for months. Which is mind boggling considering its such a game breaking bug..
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Every time... And I do mean EVERY DANG TIME I'm on winning a game, I get random freeze that happens. And it's not consistent. One time it will be Radiant Greninja's Concealed Cards, next it is when using Buddy-Buddy Poffin, other times it is using a Support Trainer. There's no rhyme or reason. It is like TCGL wants me to lose and never rank up. And it's not like a hard crash. It freezes until my turn timer runs out and then gives the other player their turn. It is frustrating and infuriating to no end. Seriously fix your game. I'll be happy to pay a monthly fee if you will just fix your bugs, for crying out loud.