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Ladder climb too slow?

I would love to get to Master Level (for some of the loot) in the ranked ladder but I feel like it is too slow.

To reach 2020, assuming a 66% win percentage (which is very high) you would have to win 201 games out of 300 total matches at 20 pts per win (and - 20 pts per loss). Is 300 games in a month really expected??

Also, I am assuming that points reset at the end of the month (which happened to me but only been playing a month).

This seems to be an impossible number to reach unless you are grinding many hours per day.

Does anyone else feel the same? Or is my opinion an outlier?


  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 45 ✭✭
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    It is a crazy grind alright. And it seems it's not a monthly reset but an ELO squish.

    I was at 1520 prior and down to 720 after, but it's super sweaty down lower now.

    Also doesn't help when the game takes the occasional 220, 420, 1020 points for a loss 😭

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    monthly resets only set you back 1 league (great to poke, ultra to great, master to ultra)

    for example, i started this month at 720 and my goal is to hit master, every day i play until i get 60 extra points (+3 wins). I'm currently at 1500, which means i have 14 days to get 520 points.

    I don't think i am "hard grinding", just playing a few games every day, and I'm probably going to get master unless i get in a really bad lose streak.

  • MilkyShark
    MilkyShark Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    The battle pass and the ladder have an insane grind.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @Pikapiiiiii is -20 in great ball or higher.