Please remove the psychic field sound effect

This is not a bug report, this is an order! Remove that sound! It's driving me crazy.
Yes, this please.
I can’t stand the noise and the distracting, tension inducing, repetitive and general irritation is ruining the game! Especially bad with the 2 most popular decks running Psychic.
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Came here to post this but I'll bump the existing thread instead.
The Psychic one is the worst offender because it's a pitched, throbbing noise. I usually listen to music while playing but this means I have to turn ALL sound effects off. Because the visual cues for a turn change aren't very distinct and the game is slow overall, it's caused me to miss turns in the past.
But frankly, ALL of the constant, nonstop backround noises are annoying and should either be removed entirely or have a separate slider in preferences from the other sound effects.