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Desktop version's countdown timer is not working correctly and makes the game almost unplayable.


The countdown timer on the desktop version of the game (I play on PC so I can't speak for the other non-mobile versions) is **very different** from the mobile versions (I'm using iOS). I never really feel rushed by the timer during my turn or during any of my actions on my phone but when I play on my PC the amount of time I have to make plays is so much shorter. 

I noticed that on the desktop version the countdown will actually start while it's still the opponent's turn and during the end of turn animations like passing turns and drawing your card every turn. Once you're finally able to click on a card or do anything at all there's around 3 seconds to perform an action before it *ends your turn without an option to attack or do anything else*. Basically, this is due to the combination of starting the countdown prematurely and the animations locking your ability to do anything that would stop the countdown.

I've had several games tonight where both myself and my opponent passed turns without attacking and we make the "frustrated" animation at each other because we both know what just happened. Is the game unplayable because of this? Technically, no. But it doesn't match how the app plays on mobile devices and it definitely isn't how much time is given to perform actions in the IRL and/or competitive versions of the trading card game and that's honestly not acceptable. 

TL;DR - The desktop version's in game action countdown timer starts WAY too soon (before the opponent's turn officially ends), the end of turn and start of turn animations lock you out of doing anything that resets the countdown, and the time that's left is so little that it often forces you to pass without attacking when you could or intend to.