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It didn't give me credits when I earned them...

I missed twice! Tier 15, 50 credits didn't happen, and just before that a bunch of other triggers happened which would result in another 25-50 (I think the other credits were for hitting level 9?)...The first time I was confused so I paid extra attention when I hit 15 and nope! Neither posted! Still stuck at 30, 675. I mean, credits are so hard to come by, and I've already bought hundreds of packs. How do I get this adjusted??? I am out 75-100 credits, which is like half a pack of cards. :(

EDIT: It continues to happen on my Profile Levels. I think that's what was bugged. I've missed small amounts of credits from leveling multiple times now. Level 10 most recently.


  • Jami3
    Jami3 Member Posts: 17

    It keeps happening! End season/ladder rewards all didn't work either! That's like 500 credits!