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Weakness not applying

I’ve been in a couple of battles lately and the weakness was not applying. Anyone else?


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    Give it examples. If it's against Colorless Pokemon, there was probably a Dunsparce in play.

  • TheNoidKing
    TheNoidKing Member Posts: 2
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    edited February 2023 #3

    I had the same thing happen too, I used a water type Cramorant against an opponent's Victini, and weakness did not apply as it should have, and there was nothing in play that negates weakness.

    Edit: Never mind the cramorant's attack isn't affected by weakness, I guess check for more effects?

  • noriLOXic
    noriLOXic Member Posts: 27
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    @TechHog is correct. You really need to be as specific as possible @greenbatdad or it's almost impossible for us to identify the possible cause of the issue. What Pokemon were you playing? What was the opponent playing? What energies were attached? What stadiums were in play? What other Pokemon were on the bench? What Trainer cards were in use? Screenshots help, too.

  • CARNAGE704
    CARNAGE704 Member Posts: 1
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    I have been attacked and affected by weaknesses and resistance, yet it never works in my favor, and I pay attention to all details

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @CARNAGE704 No, you probably don't. Give examples or post a log next time.

  • Cocoath
    Cocoath Member Posts: 3
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    edited April 25 #7

    Hello. I most likely encounter a similar problem. I used Charizards Burning Darkness (flame spell) on Torterra EX with double flame weakness, but it has no double effect. Charizards grass weakness works without problem. Can someone look into this please, may be I am missing something.

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  • Cocoath
    Cocoath Member Posts: 3
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    edited April 25 #8

    so even forum is missing edit button for posts….

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  • BunnySauce
    BunnySauce Member Posts: 51 ✭✭
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    The type of the attack is determined by the typing of the Pokemon, not by the energy used for the attack. Charizard ex with the Burning Darkness attack is a dark-type Pokemon, not fire.

  • Cocoath
    Cocoath Member Posts: 3
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    @BunnySauce ahh, i see, thank you for explantion. It is confusing then. Not sure if its good or bad system. Thank you anyway.