Hisuian Heavy Ball Bug

Of several bugs I've experienced recently, today was the first time I've had an issue with Hisuian Heavy Ball 146/189. While playing a match, I played my HHB, it showed my 4 remaining prize cards of which none were basic Pokemon. I accidentally tapped on a prized Judge instead of the "Confirm" button, which brought up the card preview. On "X"ing out of the card preview, I was then stuck in my prize cards and unable to return to the game.
I was unable to tap "Confirm" so was stuck in the menu. My timer showed up and started ticking down, reached 0, but I was still stuck in the prizes. I was unable to leave this screen - except to view the board and emote - and thus just passed my turn when my timer reached 0 for the remainder of the game. I was unable to play any cards or use my active Pokemon's attack and needed to concede to escape the locked game state. This led to a loss on the Ranked Ladder.
Attached are two screenshots where I am stuck in my prize cards while it is my opponents turn (they were not locked and were able to play cards and use attacks as normal).