Ability/Attack Boxes are clickable after a match ends + desync during matches [1.0.11]

Hello, I've reported this in the past as a comment to another similar issue, but as of right now I believe it to be its own thing and probably worth its own thread.
Main deck I've been playing is Lucario/Moltres/Cinccino. And one thing I've noticed, specially when I play more than one match in a row without closing the app is that at some point there's some sort of desync between the cards in my deck, and what my Pokémon/cards in hand think is there. To name a few:
- Evolution Incense not allowing to search anymore, even when the 4 Lucario and 3 Cinccino aren't all visible (e.g. one Cinccino is prized). Since there's no 4 cinccinos that can be visible at once, the card should always be playable.
- Currently checking when this bug repeats itself, to check whether Level Ball and Quick Ball are also affected or not.
- Cinccino's "Make Do" ability tends to stop being usable, even when there's 9-12 cards available in deck. These cards are there, using other methods to draw allows to play them (unlike other desync issues from the past).
- (Can't confirm this as of now, will make an update comment if so, but I'm almost certain of having been blocked of using Bird Keeper once while still having a few cards in deck, and a Benched Pokémon to switch to)
As a side note, from testing about this I noticed the bug reported as fixed in the latest patch notes still happening:
There was an issue where ability and attack boxes were incorrectly displayed. Occasionally, these boxes would persist into new games which caused the inability to interact with the game board or select certain cards.
* Fix added so now the ability and attack boxes are completely removed after each match. This allows players the ability to select cards and interact with the game board normally.
You can still click the cards in game, and they'll show info until the match is fully over (and stats are shown, then both the re-emerged hand and in-game cards vanish)
Hi Trainer, nice work!
Thank you for reporting this issue. I'll escalate this to the development team for review. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any additional information about this issue.
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Sent a report about multiple sessions as a support ticket just now, but as to add some more data here: the issue doesn't seem tied to multiple matches in a row after all, I've managed to trigger it in my first match of the day/session - though I still have my suspicions it gets "stronger" as you play more and more, since then it appears to happen way earlier.
Tried to annotate as much info on effects that may impact the deck, such as recovers (Klara, Rod) and special deck searches (Balls, Lucario's Ability, Raihan).
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Hi, @Tgurneu!
Great follow-up! I will escalate your extra notes and steps to the development team so they can review this issue.