should they fix the worst bug in the game by far?

Member Posts: 1 ✭
Turn Timers starting immediately every game start of every turn
giving the player 0.35 seconds to do something then turn ends.
no chance at playing ranked. animations cant be turned off so they run into the timer.
sometimes you don't even get a turn. Hotfix for the love of pokemon.
should they fix the worst bug in the game by far? 5 votes
Do we have a sense of how frequently this bug happens? Or really, how many people it happens to, since it seems pretty regular for folks who run into it. And really annoying! I can't imagine how you even try and keep playing when that's your experience.
What platforms do you see the problem on?
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PC version lags like mad so you naturally fall behind. By the time it catches up your turn has already run out.