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Version - Patch Notes (Discussion)

TPCi_GarbageKing Administrator Posts: 180 admin
Third Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Agrees 25 LOLs

Update Date/Time

2023-01-30 at 11:00 p.m. PST

Post-Update Version


Update Details

  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates
  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes

Please use this thread to discuss details around patch!


  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 602 ✭✭✭
    500 Comments 100 Likes 100 LOLs 100 Agrees
    edited January 2023 #2

    Finally Hoopa's Phantom Force can actually be aimed like Astonish, which will really unrestrict where you can use the move and let you be more flexible with it. The Hyperspace Hole cooldown was already 10 seconds though. Also faster unite move is good. I like these Hoopa changes and I hope for similar Eldegoss buffs in the future. Thank you TPCi_GarbageKing.

  • KendoCam1
    KendoCam1 Member Posts: 1
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    I noticed with the last patch, that it never mentions changes to Tournament Mode Draft Pick. Previously, the draft pick had a bug where the last pick would change based on what you were originally hovering, but the patch notes never mentioned that bug was fixed, and it was fixed. Are there any fixes in this patch concerning draft pick such as disappearing held items, crashes in trying to change items, crashing during loading, or spectator cam from admin slot disconnecting from game server?

    I'd also like to see some quality of life updates for admins in the admin slot, such as;

    • A play button after everyone has loaded in by verifying all players are loaded in from a tournament site.
    • Return to lobby button on stats screen
    • Pause button during the "GO" animation and accessible on gameplay screen rather than through a menu.
    • Zoom out function as action is hard to track in large scale team battles

    Great job as always, loving the new patch notes <3

  • damocleas
    damocleas Member Posts: 4
    Photogenic First Comment

    Loving the patch, but a few concerns still

    • Urshifu's Wicked Blow still does an insane amount of damage, especially since it has such a wide radius.
    • Scyther Double Hit wasn't touched, as if the swords dance change was too much (it wasn't enough), double hit is still a very powerful move and what more high level players have been opting for depending on opposing compositions. Love the Green Illusion Dive changes though.
    • Dragapult's Shadow Ball more than likely isn't enough for the move to be preferred over Dragon Breath, as Shadow Ball doesn't feel like a real move with how Dragapult wants to play, with the dash not going far enough and the loss in a big slowdown area from dragon breath isn't worth it for slightly more damage.

    Overall very good patch though, looking forward to Comfey this week!

  • Ethonna
    Ethonna Member Posts: 2
    Photogenic First Comment

    I believe the changes to Sableye will add more skill discrepancy to the character now instead of going invis for free. It also add good counter play vs him.

    The Clefable changes are a nice touch but I still believe that the Pokémon is still bad in most cases. You will probably see it picked in competitive as a response to big poke comps consisting of Garde & Mew as long as Delphox is taken away. But the Pokémon in general hands, is still way to squishy. I'd like to see a 10% buff to it's defenses and 15% buff to it's HP and it would probably be more survivable.

    Though the Single Strike Urshifu changes are nice and all, but the Pokémon is practically the same as before, just 10-20% less tanky. Urshifu will still be picked or banned in this upcoming February open mark my words!

  • Oh_Deer_God
    Oh_Deer_God Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I really like the buffs to Clefable so far, but I hope we can see some "quality of life" buffs to the other move set. Draining Kiss is great, but the delay between using it and getting the heal leads (quite often) to fainting before you get the heal. And since Clefable has to be the center of attention with Follow Me, I think it would be nice if a small part of the heal from Draining Kiss went to Clefable and the rest to a nearby ally, instead of all going to the ally.

    One last wish would be for Follow Me to taunt enemies a bit longer. Right now, it feels like you only use Follow Me for the shield and dash because the hinderance is so short.

    I don't think Draining Kiss/Follow Me Clefable is super weak right now or anything, but it could use some usability updates to make it feel better, and I don't think it's so strong that buffs are out of the question. Maybe all of these are not necessary together, but I think those are the main pain points of the move set, and I hope they can be addressed, at least a little, to make it feel better to play.

    Regardless, thank you so much for the patch notes with details! It is great to be able to see the reason certain changes are made, and I hope this continues moving forward!

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