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TCG Live and Audience Feedback

Victorsagava Member Posts: 1
5 Agrees

Are you guys aware that 90% of your audience currently dislikes the product?

Major Content Creators, even people who work alongside the PTCi as casters are voicing their disappointment and concerns with the new PTCG Client.

The game feels clunky and lifeless, we need a separate client for mobile/PC, the game isn't appealing for content creation/watching, the in-game economy is broken (which makes no sense since there aren't microtransactions other than redeeming codes)...

I love this franchise with all of my heart, I just wish you guys looked at other modern TCGs and updated TCGO from a browser looking game to a modern one. TCG Live currently doesn't look like a successor, a son of TCGO, instead, it looks like a cousin.

We are not concerned about the game bugs, we all know these will definitely be solved before the global release, we are concerned about the User Experience, the Art choices (and lack of them).

-Please highly reconsider the art style of the avatars, let us have 3d pokémon model as partners instead, or 2D art from the cards, anime characters, whatever, but the current avatars just don't work, they´re creepy and lifeless;

-Add playmats instead of the white hexagons;

-PLEASE don't make the bench Pokémon look like squares, it's a TRADING CARD GAME and we can't see the cards???;

-Stage 2/V/VStar Pokémon could have a 2D animation when brought to the field, same for Trainer Supporters;

-Fix the in-game economy, currently gives way too little, and 3 currencies is way too much, maybe coins for cosmetics and credits/crystals for cards;

There's time left to fix this client before it's released, or at least let us know that all the current criticism is being taken into account, and even though it might take some time to implement all the changes, you guys are hearing us.

We love Pokémon, we love to play it and share the game with friends, so please let us help our playerbase grow by having a nice looking and fun to play client :)