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"Choose a card in your deck"-cards does not show up at all and cannot be chosen

Losing almost every game right now because i cannot get cards through quick balls, evolution incenses and L umineon V's Luminous Sign ability. The cards' shadows pop up and the numbers of the amount of cards available are still there. Super frustrating and actually game breaking.


  • HungryF00d
    HungryF00d Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Same here. This exact thing happened during a "friend match" however all other types of matchmaking seem ok for me. I thought it was a one time issue but I see it is likely not.

    Annoying as you say, pls fix.

  • Wuji-sainsaw
    Wuji-sainsaw Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    I have this for months, desktop only, mobile is working fine. Also only on my home desktop, on my work laptop this is working fine. But yeah, game is unplayable because of this...