Interface becomes unresponsive, have to shut down app

Here is an interesting bug that I have been noticing. It's intermittent, so it's hard to pinpoint definitively what could be causing it. I will try and describe what I have encountered.
Sometimes when I right-click on one of my benched Pokemon to get the larger view, the game will not let me close out of this view and return to the game. The "X" button near the top right does not respond when clicked, and nothing else seems to work (right-clicking again, pressing ESC, etc etc). Only way out is to shut down the app and restart.
When it happens, it almost exclusively seems to occur during the opponent's turn. Because of this I try to avoid clicking anything when it's not my turn but sometimes I forget. And then Murphy's Law takes care of the rest!
However it happened in a game just now but during my own turn. This is the first time I have noticed it happen when I am the active player. At almost the same time as I right-clicked the detail view my opponent sent an emoji, so not sure if this helps the devs narrow down what could be happening. It does seem related to the opponent doing things at the same time as the view is invoked.
This bug has happened to me probably around a dozen times over the last month or so.
Just curious if anyone else has experienced the same issue?