Pokémon Forums Story: The Road to Victory

Arlo walked the path to Victory Road with Pawmo following at his side, the wind nipping at both of them. Should’ve brought a thicker jacket, he thought as Pawmo ran off. Pawmo seemed determined to evolve into Pawmot as fast as possible and had been running around ever since their final gym battle against Randall and his Magikarp. He also took every excuse to battle and would take on the wild pokémon on the road. As Arlo watched rap up a battle against a Rookidee, he noticed Pawmo begin to shudder. Pawmo then shone brilliantly and, after Arlo could see again (It is not recommended to watch a shiny pokémon evolve without sunglasses on) there stood an energetic Pawmot!
“Alright, Pawmot!” Arlo exclaimed, exited to see his friend evolve. After a high five, they walked straight to the gate to victory road.
“You can only pass this point if you have all eight badges or are authorized otherwise!” The man at the gate looked at Arlo, noticing the badges he had pinned to his jacket. “Ah. Go right ahead, then.”
As Arlo began to walk up the mountain, someone called his name. “Arlo!” His friend, Jax, was running up to him.
“Hey Jax!” Arlo called back. “I haven’t seen you since-”
“We have to battle,” Jax interrupted, to Arlo’s surprise.
“That’s usually my line,” Arlo joked, but Jax’s seriousness stayed, so he agreed and picked a good spot for a battle.
The rivals tossed their pokèballs, and Arlo had a suspicion that this would be his hardest battle yet.
“You’ve got this, Pawmot!” “Take them down, Gholdengo!” The two pokémon crashed onto the ground, ready for a battle. Arlo was impressed with his friend’s incredibly rare pokémon. You had to collect a thousand of Gimminghoul’s coins to evolve the pokémon. However, his head stayed in the battle. “Pawmot, Thunder Punch!” Pawmot swung his electrified fist at Gholdengo, which it swiftly dodged and followed with a strong Shadow Ball at Jax’s command. “Pawmot, Double Shock!” Arlo tried, knowing he’d need loads of damage to take down the golden pokémon before being taken down. Pawmot pounded his fists together, then slammed them into Gholdengo. The Coin Entity just grinned, arms crossed.
“Gholdengo, Make It Rain!” Jax yelled, and Pawmot was buried in an overwhelming amount of cash and was unable to battle.
“Go, Litleo!” Arlo sent the Lion Cub pokémon into battle. “Noble Roar!” Gholdengo fired off a barrage of coins again, completely unintimidated. It was even stronger than before. It had used Nasty Plot after being hit by Pawmot, and Good as Gold had prevented Noble Roar from having any effect. Litleo sent his Flamethrower at Gholdengo, but it avoided the attack. Litleo roared in anger. As he roared, light-blue wisps began to envelop Litleo, and his roar grew deeper. Soon, before them stood the kingly Pyroar.
“Fire Blast!” Arlo called to his newly evolved friend, and the Royal Pokémon’s attack swiftly defeated Gholdengo.
Jax’s next pokémon was Tyranitar, who promptly used a Rock Slide attack to defeat Pyroar. Arlo sent Manectric into battle, and both trainers instinctively put their Key Stones up for Mega Evolution. Mega Manectric clashed with Mega Tyranitar. The sandstorm raged from Tyranitar as the battle played out. Manectric dodged attacks with speed nearing Mach one, and Tyranitar raged with a beast’s anger. The battle wore both pokémon and trainer down, and in the end, both Megas collapsed. Arlo panted for breath, but the battle wasn’t over. “Lucario!” “Raichu!” Arlo’s shiny Lucario roared. Raichu sparked some electricity from his cheeks. Jax called first: “Volt Tackle!” Raichu charged up with electricity and threw itself at Lucario, dealing massive damage. Lucario responded with Focus Blast at Arlo’s command. Raichu swept Iron Tail at the Aura Pokémon, lowering his defense, and making him flinch, leaving an opening for another Volt Tackle. Arlo upped Lucario’s defenses with Iron Defense and used Extreme Speed. Raichu soon took himself out with the recoil of Volt Tackle. Tangrowth was then sent to battle. Jax tried to make a healing strategy, but the Vine pokémon couldn’t take Lucario’s overwhelming amount of power.
Jax then decided to change the rules a bit. He threw in both Incineroar and his first partner, Blastoise. The duo swiftly took down Lucario.
“What was that about?” Arlo yelled, but Jax seemed determined not to listen. Arlo grit his teeth and sent out his last two pokémon into battle, his first partner, Serperior, and Duraludon.
Jax returned Blastoise to his pokéball, only to have it grow enormous with Dynamax energy, and Gigantamax Blastoise loomed above the pokémon on the field. It was clear that both Mega Evolving and Dynamaxing in one battle was taking a toll on Jax. His legs shook, but he stubbornly remained in the battle. Arlo decided to match his rival, returning Duraludon and Gigantamaxing as well. Jax wasted no time commanding his pokémon, even if his voice was shaking. “Max Steelspike! Fire Blast!” Arlo matched his offensive with a Max Wyrmwind and Leaf Storm. Jax followed with the same attacks again, this time both targeted at Duraludon. Duraludon barely took the attacks. He fired G-Max Depletion: just enough to knock out Incineroar. But he left himself open to Blastoise’s final max move: G-Max Cannonade. There was a sound like an explosion as Duraludon fainted and returned to his pokéball. Blastoise shrunk to normal size. The only two pokémon left were the two the rivals chose at the beginning of their journey. Both trainer screamed their attack.
The attacks met their target. Blastoise and Serperior still stood. Blastoise buckled. The turtle-like pokémon collapsed and returned. Jax fell to his knees. Arlo panted for breath, then turned to Jax.
“Are you alright?” Arlo asked his friend. Jax looked up and smiled. “Yeah, I’m alright. And you know what else, Arlo? I don’t think I care anymore. I don’t need to beat you. I just needed to get over myself.” He gripped Arlo’s hand and hauled himself up. “I’ll be cheering you on. Now go beat the champion.” He punched Arlo playfully on the arm. “Or else you owe me big time.” Arlo was confused, but glad his friend was cheering him on as he continued up the mountain to the Pokémon League.
I can’t wait!
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Same, after you get to doing your part.
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So what is the team so far?
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Arlo's is Serperior, Duraludon, Lucario, Pyroar, Pawmot, Manectirc
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Always love choosing Snivy as a starter :)