Pokemon Puns

Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭
Everyone write your Pokemon puns here.
We'll soon be Weezing from laughter.
Just don't tell puns that are so bad they're Onix-ceptable.
Audino why I am here. Why? Wynaut.
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Bewear these jokes!
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These puns aren't to be messed Aron-d with.
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If you're a geologist, you're the kind of person who's Lycanrocs.
To win a game of Chess, you Nidoking.
If you chop up pieces of fish, they can be used Feraligatr food.
The dogs need exercise, Golett them out!
These may be Klawf-ul. I Hoopa not, though!2 -
I think they are awesome~
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I don't like when I summon Alolan Exeggutor from Poké Balls in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It makes me think to myself, "Are you yolking?"
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You Golduck be Purrloin my leg.
(Those might be my worst ones yet.)